Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are we there yet?

I remember how bored I used to be when I was younger and had to sit in the back of a car. Driving certainly makes one forget the misery of being strapped into a car-seat for hours on end while staring at nothing but tree-tops and listening to whatever radio station the driver might find amusing. Luckily, we children found ways to enjoy rides in the car. Here are some of my favorite minivan memories:

1. Watching raindrops eat each other like a little Pacman.
2. Pretending to be eaten by a giant octopus as the car goes through a carwash.
3. Playing I Spy, Twenty Questions, the license plate search, or any other slightly distracting game.
4. Begging Dad to make up goofy stories. He was the best at taking classic fairy tales and making them ridiculous parodies... even before Shrek, Hoodwinked, or Happily N'ever After.
5. Singing along with cassette tapes- my favorite was the "Baby Beluga" song by Raffi.

What did you do as a little kid in the backseat during a long car ride?

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