Monday, September 13, 2010

An exercise in self contentment

I have no reason to complain, whine, or gripe about anything. Here is a list of wonderful things in my life. The trick is, they are the first fifteen things that will come to my mind, making this a super fast pre-homework post.... Read, go!

1. My family is the sweetest bunch of people in the entire world

2. I'm listening to really good music. Hooray for Aerosmith (reserve your judgement, thank you).

3. My planner is pink. And shiny. And it has a ribbon bookmark. Love it.

4. My homework is to read and write a whole bunch of (mostly) interesting things. Heck, I know how to read- how lucky I am!

5. I am sitting in a comfortable, ergonomically designed chair that allows me to sit for hours in the same position without making my legs fall asleep. (okay, I just made that up, but I'll pretend it's true.)

6. I'm wearing comfy yoga pants, which were used for their proper purpose earlier this evening. Yay university yoga!

7. I have friends all over the country. They may be scattered and distant, but heck, wherever I go, I'll find an old friend at the nearest college!

8. I don't have to wait a week, month, or year to hear from my loved ones because I have a cell phone. As romantic and classic as letter writing is, it is painfully slow when one is homesick.

9. This computer's internet connection is delightfully quick.

10. The lanyard on my flash drive is from Notre Dame Academy and the lanyard on my room keys is from St. John's Jesuit. Toledo pride, baby!

11. My typing skills have improved greatly, which makes typing papers and blog posts much more fun.

12. My nutrition class is sweet. Plus, the project we did for homework validates the fact that I do, indeed, eat enough protein even if I'm not eating meat every day.

13. My pencils have Disney Princesses on them. Beat that.

14. I have a whole loaf of banana bread (minus the two pieces I ate today) in my room. Yummo.

15. I have seen more butterflies in the past few days than I ever expected I would. Those little guys always make my day.

So there it is. This was more for me than you guys, sorry y'all. Every now and then, I just have to remind myself of just how blessed I am to be exactly where I am.

"For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." [St. Paul In Philippians 4:11]
(from Quotations Book).

God bless.

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