Thursday, September 9, 2010

Once upon a time, in a distant land...

Hello friends, it's been a while and I miss you all.

The reason I haven't written is because I am in a magical, distant place full of wonderful things to do, amazing people to meet, and brilliant things to see called college. Here, my dear friends, is my list of favorite things about college (in no particular order):

1. The campus looks and feels like Hogwarts. The first day of class, I had to stop myself from asking why all the students were not in house robes, and why in the world the faculty was not wearing pointed caps. The reality is, this is Dominican University, not Hogwarts, but the Gothic, ivy draped vibe is still the same. The way light shines through the second level chapel at night is enchanting and beautiful.

2. There is this awesome vibe here called Caritas et Veritas. When I came to admissions events and went on a tour through the campus as a high schooler I was blown away by how friendly everyone was. The school truly is full of people brimming with happiness, from the teachers who actually know your name to the sisters who give you random hugs in the hallways and even the students who hold doors like true gentlemen and ladies. The school motto, meaning "Love and Truth" is totally legit.

3. I have the cutest dorm room. Yes, I was nervous about how it would come together, but it has. My roommate (who is the best roommate one could ask for) and I have bedecked and bedazzled our room complete with art posters, butterfly wall stickers, and shelves full of health food. We have even welcomed another friend into our home, Francis the Goldfish, who I won at the annual DU Fest. My curious friend is a brilliant orange color who brightens even the most difficult homework assignment.

4. I actually like my classes. Yes, that is right, I like my teachers. All of them. I really appreciate how my English 102 teacher didn't just slap an A on my paper... she's actually going to make me refine my writing style before I can have that 4.0. I am also enjoying my Nutrition (yee!), Honors Seminar (aka book club), Chemistry (you'd like chem 101 too if you had this teacher... he doesn't look at you funny no matter how stupid your question is), and Computer Science (very little homework, please and thank you) classes.

5. I'm not the only Jesus Freak, in fact there's a bunch of us. I can go to Mass every day with the sisters on campus and a group of faithful friends. I get to sing in the Liturgical Choir (and get academic credit). Whipping out a rosary is totally commonplace. I can also be a part of an awesome group called Breaking Open, which consists of the coolest group of people on campus and tons of other prayer and service opportunities. I'm even meeting people from different faiths and learning about them. Plus, the chapel is connected to a reading room, which I have taken full advantage of. How cool is that!

6. I don't care what the other kids on campus say, I like the food. The thing is, the cooks sneak vegetables into pretty much everything, so of course I love it! I figure if you don't like the choices of the day just go to the salad bar or make yourself a PB&J.

7. I can wear whatever I want. No uniforms for college kids. Ha!

8. I don't have to wake up at 6:00am to get to class on time. I live two minutes away from breakfast and class... I can get plenty of beauty sleep... most of the time...

9. The Rebecca Crown Library is the most wonderful place in the world. Three levels of library, filled with books from all over the world, in all different languages, on all different subjects, from all different times. I found one book printed in 1850-- and it had a barcode! I can check out anything I want from this glorious place! But more on this later...

10. I know how to get to Chicago and will do so quite often. Believe me, I plan to take full advantage of those student reduced ticket prices!

11. Making new friends, meeting new people, and being overwhelmed with endless opportunities. Yes, it's tiring and stressful, but it's coming together. Dominican University, here I am!


  1. This is so good to hear Anne! I will have to visit sometime so you can show me around!

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