Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ice cream makes many things better

Yesterday was the one month anniversary of my first official car accident. I know this does not seem to fit in with the rest of my blog... running the back end of a car into a basketball pole is neither delightful nor something to be celebrated, but I assure you-- it was an incredible learning experience.

The shock of such an experience is something that can be remembered forever. The noisy "crunch" and the awful jerk of the car is enough to make one a more cautious driver. Though if that wasn't enough to make one reevaluate one's driving skills, the bitter silence of my father's dissapointed stare and the embarassing week of driving around with a busted tail light is certainly a good reinforcement of safe, concious driving. Luckily, no one was hurt and a replacement piece was able to be found without breaking the bank too badly. I am truly lucky-- though this wasn't the first time a car has been damaged by the basketball pole in the front yard!

The event was filled with interesting and funny moments. I was lifted up by my mother's forgiving smile and a high five. She actually congratulated me on making it through my first driving accident! My brother was quiet and understanding as I drove him to football practice... late, of course... though we did blow off some steam by playing Believe Me Natalie by The Killers very loudly as we made our way there. The condolences of my friends (for my missing tail light) were helpful and many shared stories of their first mishaps. My best friend (and now boyfriend) even surprised me my showing up with my favorite ice cream (black cherry) at midnight... we sat on my front porch and enjoyed our melting treat (milkshake style) under a starry sky.

It certainly is amazing what one can learn in just one month. One's view of the world can change so much; all of a sudden everything seems even more precious and beautiful. I assure you, I am a safer driver than before. Or at least, I'm trying to be! Who knew so much could come from a silly car crunch?

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