Saturday, August 14, 2010

A very nice beginning

Holy cow, aren't opening nights amazing!?! The cast and crew of SUA Summertock was thrilled to have a full house last evening for our first show of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. We even pulled out extra chairs to accommodate the people who came to see us! The performance was thrilling-- from the (not-too) overwhelming heat of the un-airconditioned gymatorium to the terror of unexpected microphone problems, there was just enough drama to satisfy our dangerous sides without bursting the show into flames. An awesome audience was exactly what we needed to keep the jokes rolling and the adrenaline high. Thank you to everyone who came!

I found it hilarious that our opening night was on the evening of Friday the 13th... it was like the ultimate "break a leg!"

The show was also highlighted in several local newspapers. Check out this link to The Blade: Troupe Presents its Inaugural Show. How exiting!

To accompany this celebration of theater, please enjoy these delightful quotes about that very topic:

An actor is part illusionist, part artist, part ham. ~Oscar Wilde

An actor is a sculptor who carves in snow. ~Lawrence Barrett

In your choice is your talent. ~Adler

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~Goethe

"You can throw away the privilege of acting, but that would be such a shame. The tribe has elected you to tell its story. You are the shaman/healer, that's what the storyteller is, and I think it's important for actors to appreciate that. Too often actors think it's all about them, when in reality it's all about the audience being able to recognize themselves in you." - Ben Kingsley (English actor. 1966-present)

"Every now and then, when you're on stage, you hear the best sound a player can hear. It's a sound you can't get in movies or in television. It is the sound of a wonderful, deep silence that means you've hit them where they live." - Shelley Winters (American actress. 1920-2006)

If a playwright tried to see eye to eye with everybody, he would get the worst case of strabismus since Hannibal lost an eye trying to count his nineteen elephants during a snowstorm while crossing the Alps. -- James Thurber

Acting is the art of speaking in a loud clear voice and the avoidance of bumping into the furniture. -- Alfred Lunt

Next to a tenor, a wardrobe woman is the touchiest thing in show business. [Birdie, in All About Eve] -- Joseph Mankiewicz

Act well your part; there all the honor lies.
-- Alexander Pope's Essay on Man, Epistle iv, line 193

"Theatrical Logic"

In is down, down is front,
out is up, up is back,
off is out, on is in,
and of course -
right is left, and left is right.

A drop shouldn't and a
block and fall does neither.
A prop doesn't and
a cove has no water.

Tripping is O.K.
A running crew rarely gets anywhere.
A purchase line will buy you nothing.
A trap will not catch anything.
A gridiron has nothing to do with football.

A Strike is work
(in fact a lot of work).
And a green room, thank God, usually isn't.
Now that you are fully versed in theatrical terms,
Break a leg...
but not really!

~Author Unknown

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